Azimut Grande 27 Metri (2018)
If you would like to find out more about this boat and any other boats of this type and range, FORWARDYACHTS will request some simple details about you (name, surname, email address and, if needed, your telephone number). These details will be processed by FORWARDYACHTS according to the purposes and means of the processing indicated in the privacy statement under the PRIVACY Section of this website, referred to herein.
Having read the privacy statement on the treatment of personal data, I give my consent, in electronic format, to the processing of my personal data, for the purposes expressed in the above-mentioned privacy statement.
Please note that unless you give your consent we will not be able to respond to any Request for Information.
In particular, I give my consent, in electronic format, to the processing of my personal data by automated means intended solely for the purpose of linking my boating interests to any market offers so that the Company can show me any suitable products.
Without your consent FORWARDYACHTS will not be able to address your specific needs appropriately.
(Codice 823781)
L'imbarcazione si sviluppa attraverso linee e curvature per un design compatto ma dinamico e grintoso. Le grandi vetrate illuminano lo spazio interno, offrendo una suite armatoriale sul main deck e quattro spaziose cabine per gli ospiti sotto coperta. Le forme curvilinee degli arredi si riflettono nelle molte zone relax sul fly bridge con un'impareggiabile vista sul mare.
Contattare Forwardyachts per maggiori informazioni o per prenotare una visita a bordo:
+39 392 4685455
Antenna radar, Bussola, Comando motori elettronico, Computer di bordo, Contamiglia, Display, Ecoscandaglio, Log, Pilota automatico, Plotter con antenna GPS, Radar, Radio VHF.
Ancora, Batterie, Camminamenti laterali in teak, Doccia esterna, Elica di poppa - stern thruster, Elica di prua - bow thruster, Luci subacquee, Passerella, Piattaforma, Pozzetto Teak, Salpa Ancore Elettrico, Scaletta da bagno, Stabilizzatori (Pinne CMC), Tavolo pozzetto.
Aria condizionata, Boiler (Elettrico), Telecamera.
Antenna Satellitare TV.
Cucina, Frigorifero interno, Lavastoviglie, Lavatrice.
Cuscineria completa.
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